My Third Trimester Reflections

I’m now officially ‘full term’ at 38 weeks and can’t believe it could only be a matter of days before my baby will be earth side! This last trimester has gone quite fast and although the energy surge of the second trimester has left me and in place the resurgence of some niggling symptoms such as heartburn, cramping and fatigue, I’m feeling pretty good and well prepared for the birth and arrival of this little one.

This final trimester I did my Hypnobirth training online in preparation for the birth which was really useful. During my pregnancy with my first born I attended a Calm Birth workshop which was great and it seems that Hypnobirth is really just a more in depth version of Calm birth, teaching a similar philosophy and similar practices such as working with breath, visualisations and meditation.

I also held a Mother Blessing with my closest friends which was a really lovely and special afternoon. Everyone brought a plate of food to share and we spent the afternoon chatting, snacking, drinking tea plus painting birth affirmations on flags which I strung together and have hung in my kitchen. I also asked my guests to leave an encouraging letter in a notebook and take a small candle to light once they hear the news that I am in labor so that they can send their well wishes.

I have been having more regular midwife check ups and bub is firmly in the head down position and ready for action. I have been continuing with pre natal yoga from home which seems to have dropped from twice a week to once a week as I’m feeling more slower and heavier. Im walking everyday and making an effort to do squats to support my pelvic floor and optimise good fetal positioning.

I have packed my birth kit which includes protein balls for energy, coconut water for electrolytes and hydration, my homeopathic birth kit plus clary sage oil and a tens machine for natural pain relief.

In terms of post partum preparation I have herbal bath soaks, a homemade peri spritz made with witch hazel and lavender, lactation tea, a herbal tonic to support emotional wellbeing and have frozen some meals which my mum helped me prepare after an afternoon cook up session!

We also did a lovely family pre natal photoshoot which is something we didn’t do first time around so it’s nice to have these gorgeous photos as a nice memory of this chapter and journey in our lives.

Below I’ve detailed all of the herbs and supplements I have been taking this trimester which is similar to what I have been taking in the first and second but now with the addition of more herbal support.

Herbs and Supplements

  • Pregnancy Multivitamin - High quality practitioner only pregnancy multi vitamin to ensure bub is getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  • Iron - High Bioavailable Iron with all the co factors for increased absorption. My Iron has dipped a bit in the last few months which is common this late in pregnancy so I'm taking two Iron capsules and making sure I'm upping my greens and beans.
  • Vegan DHA - Omega 3 for bubs brain. So much brain development occurs in the last trimester and omega 3 is also important for milk quality and quantity.
  • Magnesium - My savior this pregnancy when it has come to fatigue, headaches and heartburn. Is there anything this amazing mineral can't help with?
  • LGG Probiotics - Taking the specific LGG (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) strain of probiotics in the last trimester as well as during breastfeeding can help to reduce incidence of atopic (allergic) disorders in children such as eczema, asthma and food allergies.
  • Protein Powder - Still adding protein powder to my daily smoothies for energy as well as to ensure adequate protein intake for blood sugar regulation and growth and development of tissue for bub.
  • Raspberry and Nettle Infusion - Raspberry Leaf is great for toning the uterus and preparing for efficient productive contractions at birth, preventing post partum hemorrhage and helping the uterus to contract back down to size. The addition of Nettle helps to reduce pelvic congestion and fluid retention as well as being a rich source of vitamins and minerals including Iron.
  • Herbal Birth Prep Tonic - I've been taking my herbal 'Birth Tonic' which is in the botanical store and contains Raspberry Leaf fluid extract with flower essences for emotional preparation including building confidence and overcoming fear surrounding labor and birth.

Now there is nothing left to do but wait and surrender to knowing that this baby will come when ready, may that be today or in a few weeks. Either way I hope you have enjoyed my three part series.