Natural Solutions For Period Pain

As someone who has experienced the challenge of dealing with Endometriosis (you can read my story here), I’m no stranger to period pain, and therefore know how debilitating it can be. I remember dreading those first couple of days of my cycle where I would be bed ridden in pain, knowing once again that I’d need to skip school or uni, or call in sick to work. The kind of pain that leaves you stopping everything as you curl up with heat packs and pain killers whilst you often battle other related symptoms such as nausea and headaches. It wasn't until I really got serious about treating the root cause of my pain that I was able to reduce it and no longer dread this time of the month. At first it can feel overwhelming but there is so much you can do simply with diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements to help address the underlying cause.

If you are someone who experiences monthly pain then I want to help you to overcome this and to make sure that it no longer has control over your life. We are often taught from our teen years that period pain is normal and to just take pain killers and get on with it. However, severe pain is definitely not normal, a little cramping yes, but bad pain is not. Pain killers only mask the symptoms and can cause more harm than good long term with their effects on the liver and gut. Which is why I want to share some great natural solutions that have helped myself and many of my clients to treat the underlying cause. In order to treat the root cause of period pain you need to address the following areas:

  • Enhance Liver Detoxification – Your liver has the important role of removing excess hormones from your body. Period pain is often due to, or exacerbated by excess Estrogen, and so by improving the clearance of estrogen via the liver you can start to reduce your pain. Great liver herbs for detoxification include Turmeric, Rosemary, Milk Thistle, Globe Artichoke and Schisandra. Including foods that support liver function and break down estrogen include the brassica family such as cabbage, kale, onions, garlic and brussel sprouts as well as green leafy vegetables.
  • Reduce Inflammation - Another main cause of period pain is excess inflammation and an over production of Prostagladins in the uterus. Prostagladins are inflammatory chemicals that can cause pain, constriction and spasm. To reduce inflammation and these chemicals it is important to cut out inflammatory foods such as refine sugar, trans fats and processed foods and increase anti inflammatory foods such as fruits and vegetables and Omega 3 fatty acids from hemp seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds, avocado and coconut oil. Other anti inflammatory herbs and nutrients include Turmeric, Ginger, Bromelain (from pineapple), Quercetin (from fruits and berries), Vitamin E (from nuts and seeds), Zinc (from nuts, seeds and wholegrains) and Vitamin C (from berries, citrus, capsicum and broccoli).
  • Improve Lymphatic Function - Pelvic congestion and stagnation can contribute to menstural pain, therefore helping your lymphatic system to function properly and remove wastes is essential. Natural ways to do this include using Castor Oil Packs, increasing exercise, drinking plenty of water plus taking lymphatic herbs such as Echinacea, Calendula and Pokeroot.
  • Promote Blood Circulation - Poor circulation in the pelvic cavity can create a cold and constricted environment which may  lead to pain and cramping. Using Castor Oil Packs can help promote circulation to the area as can eating more warming, grounding foods like root vegetables, soups, stews and curries. Herbs that increase blood circulation are also a great addition and include Cinnamon, Ginger, Rosemary, Dong Quai and Angelica.
  • Increase Progesterone - Progesterone helps to keep estrogen levels in check, therefore as mentioned earlier, if you have excess estrogen often you can have low progesterone as a result. Ways to boost progestone include taking the herb Vitex as well as Vitamin B6. Stress is a big one when it comes to progesterone levels as the stress hormone cortisol actually blocks progesterone activity at the receptor site. So stress management is important for boosting your progesterone levels naturally.
  • Boost Fiber Intake - In addition to liver clearance of excess estrogen, the bowels also help to clear estrogen. Boosting your fiber can make this job easier whereas constipation will mean you are not clearing out the hormones and toxins properly. Ways to boost fiber include eating lots of fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, seeds and taking herbs such as slippery elm and psyllium husk can also help.
  • Increase Your Magnesium - A deficiency in Magnesium, the important mineral found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains, can increase pain and cramping, therefore boosting it in your diet from foods as well as considering a Magnesium supplement can also help in managing pain and reducing uterine spasm.
  • Improve Uterine Tone and Reduce Spasm - Cramp Bark, Black Haw, Wild Yam and Raspberry Leaf are all great herbs for improving uterine tone and reducing spasm of the uterus which can cause pain and cramping. You can take Raspberry leaf in the form of a loose leaf tea and Cramp Bark, Black Haw and Wild Yam as a tincture (liquid form).

Implementing these tips can help you to treat the root cause of your period pain so that you no longer need to rely on pain killers to get through mensturation each month. It is important to also understand that severe and chronic pain can also be a sign of conditions such as Endometriosis, Fibroids or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which will still respond well to these tips but may need a more extensive approach. If you would like additional customised support on helping you to address your period pain and other concerns regarding mensturation, then please email me at to book a Naturopathic Session.