Herbal Medicine for Infertility

Fertility herbs are a natural and effective way to balance and nurture your hormones, improve uterine tone and egg quality in order to increase your chances of conception. Infertility affects 1 in 6 couples and can be due to female factors, male factors or a combination if both including: Absent period Irregular Cycles No Ovulation…

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Self Care Habits During Your Period

In Western Society, menstruation is often seen as a taboo topic and woman are made to feel like they need to push on through their menstruation and keep working and being productive even when their body is telling them to retreat and rest. The Pill and painkillers are often over prescribed which further creates a…

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Plant Medicine for Hormonal Health

Herbal Medicine was traditionally prepared by Women and used extensively in Women’s health for menstrual conditions, pregnancy, birth and post partum support. Due to this long standing practice there is an abundance of work recorded on the healing benefits of Herbal Medicine for Women. Traditionally Woman where the healers and wise medicine dwellers of the…

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Traditional Foods For Your Menstrual Cycle

Each stage of our menstrual cycle requires different support and nutritional requirements which is why consuming traditional foods and tonics at these stages can be so beneficial. So what are traditional foods and tonics? These are foods which have been used for centuries in different cultures which place significance on their ability to provide energy,…

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Are Xeno Estrogens Messing With Your Hormones?

Hormonal imbalances and disorders are becoming increasingly more common in our modern world with Xenoestrogens (pronounced zen-o-estrogens) suspected to be playing a contributing role in their development. Xenoestrogens are chemicals that are found in a variety of everyday modern and commonly used items such as plastic, skincare, make up and household products which are harmful…

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Top Ways To Ditch Toxic Sanitary Products

Did you know that most of the leading brands in sanitary products are made from synthetic rayon with only a small amount of cotton? Many of the pads and tampons made by leading brands also contain SAPS aka ‘Super Absorbant Powders’ which are made from polymers that are derived from crude oil. Many also contain…

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Endometriosis & The Pelvic Microbiome

I am one in ten women who have Endometriosis. That’s 200 million women worldwide who experience the debilitating effects of this complex condition! Unfortunately, many women with Endometriosis suffer for years (approx 7-10 years) before getting a proper diagnosis. Many of which are often misdiagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease, despite pain typically not being a…

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Herbs for Adrenal Fatigue

Herbal Adaptogens and Tonics…my saving grace when it comes to supporting adrenal function. You see, these herbs have been used for thousands of years across many different cultures. For example, Schisandra and Ginseng in China (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Withania and Shatavari in India (Ayurvedic Medicine) and Licorice and Rhodiola in Europe (Western Herbalism). What do…

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Plant Medicine for PCOS

PCOS is becoming increasingly common, with 12-21% of women affected and up to 70% of these affected women left undiagnosed.. However, there is often much confusion over the difference between Poly Cystic Ovaries and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. In a nut shell, PCOS is typically characterised by elevated androgen (male hormone) levels produced by the ovaries…

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Natural Solutions For Period Pain

As someone who has experienced the challenge of dealing with Endometriosis (you can read my story here), I’m no stranger to period pain, and therefore know how debilitating it can be. I remember dreading those first couple of days of my cycle where I would be bed ridden in pain, knowing once again that I’d…

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