Herbal Medicine for Infertility

Fertility herbs are a natural and effective way to balance and nurture your hormones, improve uterine tone and egg quality in order to increase your chances of conception.
Infertility affects 1 in 6 couples and can be due to female factors, male factors or a combination if both including:
  • Absent period
  • Irregular Cycles
  • No Ovulation
  • Immune Factors
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • PCOS
  • Low Progesterone
  • Poor Uterine Tone
  • Estrogen Dominance
  • Poor Egg Quality
  • Low Sperm Count
  • Poor Sperm Quality
  • Tubal Issues
Fertility is a special area of interest to me as I have also struggled with fertility in the past. I have worked with many couples using the herbs below with great success. Some if my favourite fertility herbs include:
Korean Ginseng
Supports healthy sex drive, resolves erectile dysfunction, and enhance sexual performance in men. Reduces stress hormones and increases immune function


An adaptogen which reduces cortisol levels and supports overall endocrine system function. Supports proper immune response, aids in possible autoimmune fertility issues.

Black Cohosh

Promotes regulation of the menstrual cycle. Excellent for relieving ovarian pain. Anti-inflammatory and reduces uterine spasm.

Castor Oil

When Castor Oil is applied to the abdomen, it can be used to enhance detoxification, improve circulation, and promote healing. Castor oil works to dissolve foreign tissue growth, including endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and scar tissue.


Reduces heavy menstrual bleeding and relieves pelvic congestion. Improves circulation to reproductive system and balances blood sugar levels.

Cramp bark

Effective at reducing uterine contractions, and uterine muscle spasm. It has been used for hundreds of years as miscarriage prevention.

Dong Quai

Dong Quai balances estrigen levels, nourishes the blood and increases pelvic circulation which helps to bring fresh healthy blood to remove excess tissue growth, heal tissue damage, and limit scar tissue and adhesion formation.


Autoimmune fertility issues may be supported with this herb during acute flareups for supporting proper immune function, or poor health due to stress.

Siberian Ginseng

An adaptogen herb that supports overall endocrine function which supports hormonal balance. Strengthens the immune system.

False Unicorn

Reduces recurrent miscarriages related to uterine weakness. This plant is endangered, alternatives include Dong Quai and White Peony.


Anti-inflammatory. Increases pelvic circulation and warms an energetically cold uterus.


The number one remedy for erectile dysfunction, increases circulation and is high in antioxidants.


Supports healthy blood sugar levels, controlling insulin. Helps curb sugar cravings.


Licorice is an adrenal tonic herb which supports the endocrine system for overall hormonal support. It's anti inflammatory and when used with Peony decreases excess androgens in PCOS.


Helps to balance the hormones and balances the endocrine system. It also works to protect the body from stress damage and has beehown to support and increase egg health. Shown to increase libido in both men and women.

Milk Thistle

Supports hormonal balance. It is one of the best plants for liver health. Liver health is vital for hormonal balance. The liver helps to filter toxins from the body, including excess hormones.


This herb is very effective at reducing uterine muscle spasm, cramping and improving uterine tone. It is also great for anxiety and stress.

Red Raspberry

Raspberry leaf works to tone the uterine muscles. A weak uterus will spasm and not be able to hold a pregnancy.


An adrenal tonic for supporting the nervous system and increasing resistance to stress.


An adaptogen, aiding the body in times of stress and change. Rhodiola is a potent antioxidant, working to protect the body from environmental toxins that may contribute to hormonal imbalance. Supports both the male and female reproductive system.

Saw Palmetto

Traditionally used for improving prostate health, impotence, testicular atrophy and improved sex drive in men.


An adaptogen which increases resistance to stress and increases clearance of excess estrogen.


Shatavari regulates estrogen. It's an adaptogen and female sexual tonic wgich helps to regulate the cycle and boost fertility and libido.

Shepherd’s purse

Astringent used to reduce acute heavy menstrual bleeding due to fibroids or endometriosis.


Tribulus has improves male hormonal health, increases libido and sperm health as well as decrease the effects of sperm antibodies.


Vitex increases progesterone which regulates the cycle and can prevent miscarriage.

White Peony

Peony is an ovarian tonic and estrogen mofulstor. It has been found to aid in increasing progesterone levels, lower testosterone in PCOS and balance estrogen levels.

Wild Yam root

Wild Yam reduces muscle spasm of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, aiding in painful menstruation and chronic pelvic pain. Traditionally used to treat irritable uterus and threatened miscarriage with uterine contractions present.


Reduces heavy menstrual flow and relieved pelvic congestion and stagnation.


When treating infertility every case is unique which is why working with a practitioner will give you the best results. I make custom herbal mixes for all of my patients which address the underlying root cause of their fertility struggles. If you would like to find out more or book an online or in person session please email me at kate@littleyarrow.com