The First 40 Days

Our little boy 'Kanu' arrived safely into our arms at 41+ weeks on the night of the Winter Solstice. Since then I've been spending my days focusing on recovering, bonding and caring for him as we adjust to this new pace of life as a family of four. He is now 6 weeks old which marks the end of the first 40 days. This specific time is well known across many cultures as the post partum window where it is important to rest with support and care for the newborn mother so that she can heal and bond with her baby. After these 40 days, bleeding has stopped and the uterus has returned to size, which is why minimal activity is recommended prior to this time so that your body can recover and adapt. First time around with my son Indra, I did so much preparation for the birth but little to no preparation for post partum, simply because no one suggested it and I had no idea what to expect being my first time. Second time around I wanted to be as well prepared as possible, so today I'm sharing with you all of the things that I have done this time  which has made my experience of the early days so much more positive. I highly recommend these natural tools to any expecting or new mum!

Homeopathic Arnica - Arnica is wonderful for healing tissues including bruising, tears and sore muscles. I did take this first time around and it was so helpful so I took it second time around again daily for the first week. You can find this remedy in my Homeopathic Birth Kit.

Belly Binding - Both times I developed diastasis rectis (where the abdominal musces separate) which is really common as the weight of bub puts pressure on the abdominal wall. Usually things like rest and physio are recommenced but this time around I did belly binding with a compression bandage daily for the first month which has now significantly repaired the muscles in a much shorter time than first time around. Belly binding is popular in cultures such as Malaysia and Indonesia and helps to support not only the abdominal muslces but the contracting down of the uterus to its normal size post birth.

Healing Bath Soak - Regular baths with my Healing Bath Soak helped to ease the pain and soreness that comes with delivery by using herbs such as Gotu Kola for wound healing, Calendula and Lavender which are soothing and anti inflammatory plus Hypericum for it's antibacterial properties.

Warming Foods - Many cultures recommend focusing on warming and nurturing foods post partum in order to provide warmth, build blood, boost energy and tonify the organs. This includes things like soups, porridge, herbal teas and root vegetables. I made sure I was drinking lots of hot tea such as fennel for lactation, chamomile for cramping and chai for digestion as well as vegetable soups and stews and porridge for breakfast with lots of healthy fats such as nuts and seeds.

Healthy fats - Healthy fats are important for brain function and hormonal health which is essential for new mothers. I have been adding hemp seeds to my porridge and eating nut butter on rye sourdough and avocado on brown rice crackers daily as well as taking a vegan dha supplement to ensure I am getting enough essential fatty acids.

Shiatsu - My close friend and fellow post partum doula came over each week to give me a shiatsu treatment which was perfect for my sore and tired muscles. New mums often have a lot of neck, shoulder and back tension not only from the birth but because of all the feeding, changing nappies and carrying their new baby which often involves bending over alot and poor posture.

Herbal Tea - In addition to the chamomile, fennel and chai tea I was also having a lot of cramp bark and raspberry leaf for the afterpains as well as ginger for its warming properties. Herbal teas are great post partum not only for their healing benefits but for extra hydration (breastfeeding mums need 3 litres of water per day). I often had a thermos filled with herbal tea on hand so that I could sip on it throughout the day.

Multivitamin - Often women stop taking their multivitamin after pregnancy but it is so important post partum as well to help restore nutrients that where transferred to bub during pregnancy, lost during the birth process and being delivered to bub during breastfeeding. Many nutrients are also important for healing post partum such as vitamin c and b vitamins for the nervous system plus zinc and iron for wound healing.

Minerals - I've been taking Magnseium and Iron to help support my energy levels and adrenal function as well as restore iron levels after delivery. I often take the Magnesium in the afternoon in the form of a powder to help with the common afternoon energy slump!

New Mumma Tonic - Motherwort is a traditional herb for new mothers as it eases anxiety and nurtures the adrenals. It is also known as the 'lion hearted herb' as it has an affinity for both the physical heart when it comes to easing palpitations, as well as the emotional heart for nourishing and grounding. I've been taking my 'New Mumma Tonic' daily which contains not only Motherwort but Lemon Balm which is great for calming and has anti anxiety and anti depressant properties, as well as flower essences for supporting transition and bonding.

Slippery Elm - New mothers often find themselves nervous about their first trip to the toilet after birth, especially if you have been taking pain killers which tend to cause constipation. The best way to help ease anxieties and any soreness is by taking a natural laxative such as slippery elm. Slippery elm is a bark rich in mucilage which helps to coat the digestive tract and treat constipation, making it a handy remedy to have on hand after the birth. I took Slippery elm for the first few days in capsule form but you can also take it in the form of a tea by mixing a teaspoon of the powder into boiling water. It is also great for reflux in babies which is an extra reason to add it to your toolkit!

Herbal Peri Spray - I made a healing peri spray by mixing filtered water, witch hazel, lavender essential oil and ti tree essential oil to help speed up healing of sore tender tissues and used it regularly throughout the day, especially after trips to the bathroom as urination often causes stinging in the early days. You can store it in the fridge to make it extra cooling and soothing as well as soak some cotton pads in the mix and freeze them to wear in the first 48hrs after delivery.

So there you have it. My top healing remedies post partum which have helped me to recover nicely by supporting both my physical and emotional recovery. These early days are so important which is why I love sharing post partum preparation tools with women so that they too can have a wonderful post partum experience. To learn more about creating your own supportive post partum experience you can enroll in my eCourse 'The Mother Moon - Your Fourth Trimester Map To Nurturing Yourself Post Partum For Optimal Healing and Recovery'.