My Second Trimester Reflections

After what felt like a very slow first trimester characterised by feeling like a nauseated sloth, the second trimester has come and gone so fast and has been really good! I was able to regain my normal energy, the nausea finally left me and it has been quite smoothing sailing as I enter my final trimester of this pregnancy.  A part from a bit of heartburn and frequent night waking due to bub siting on my bladder, it's been quite good and I have really enjoyed watching my bump grow and feeling all the kicks! My main form of exercise this trimester has been daily walking plus some gentle yoga a couple of times per week using the Yoga Glo online program. I don't really drive that much so most of my walking is incidental, so walking to and from school to drop off and pick up my son, walking to parks and cafes or to do grocery shopping etc. As for diet I have been super hungry and snacking a lot, my main craving seems to be fruit and yoghurt, so coming out of summer I've been all about the peaches, nectarines, grapes, berries and mango and I actually feel really good for it. Chocolate cravings have been popping up but I find when I have it it gives me heartburn so trying to avoid it is much as possible. I've also been really thirsty so lots of herbal teas, vegan smoothies, filtered water and kombucha have been my go to for drinks.

Below I've detailed all of the herbs and supplements I have been taking this trimester as well as my favourite pregnancy and birth resources that I have had a look over from my first pregnancy as well as some new ones I have discovered second time around. I'm really enjoying this pregnancy and although I cannot wait to meet our new addition in a few months I'm trying to just be happy where I'm at and make the most of this time as I'm sure the months will fly by and there is a lot I want to try and get done before that time such as finish up writing an online course and prep the house and veggie garden so that when the time comes for this little one to enter the world I won't be feeling stretched and worried about needing to do anything other than rest and bond with our new baby.

Herbs and Supplements

  • Protein Powder - To help boost my energy, regulate my blood sugar and ensure bub is getting the adequate building blocks to grow healthy and strong!
  • Pregnancy Multivitamin - With all of my vitamins and minerals to make sure I'm getting the right level of nutrients required in pregnancy
  • Vegan DHA - Being vegetarian I usually get my Omegas from flaxseed oil, hemp oil, nuts, seeds and avocado but I like to take a DHA supplement in pregnancy just to get an added boost of Omega 3
  • Iron - Same as above, being vegetarian I try to get all of my iron from my diet such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, legumes and beans etc but I also like to take a gentle iron supplement just incase I have days where I may not be getting enough
  • Flower Essences - To help me feel well and adjusted emotionally throughout the pregnancy and in preparation for the birth
  • Raspberry and Nettle Infusion - As an iron tonic and to help tone the uterus in preparation for labor
  • Magnesium - To boost energy, regulate blood sugar and prevent hormonal headaches

Book + Documentary Recommendations

  • The Gentle Birth Method - This is a wonderful book that I read in my first pregnancy written by an Ayurvedic doctor and obstetrician
  • Birthing From Within - A beautiful book I am in the middle of reading for the first time and has a strong emphasis on creativity and self expression in pregnancy
  • Nourish - Another new one that I am reading and loving the more holistic approach to pregnancy and birth
  • The Natural Way to a Better Pregnancy - One of the first books I ever read on natural pregnancy and birth
  • Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth - A classic and must read for any one looking to embrace a natural birth
  • Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering - A also read this last pregnancy and learnt so much about intervention and alternatives
  • The Golden Month - A new one this time around with a great emphasis on post partum nourishment and support
  • The First 40 Days - Another new one which talks about post partum care and the essentials of rest and the first 40 days
  • Microbirth - A great documentary on the importance of the human microbiome and how pregnancy, birth and post partum all affect our babies gut flora
  • The Business of Being Born - One of the first documentary's I ever watched on natural birth, a real eye opener and gives so much info on the cascade of intervention.

As I cruise into the third trimester I will be seeing my midwives for more regular check ups, re visiting some birth preparation, preparing my labor toolkit and getting my mind, body, family and house ready for the birth of this little one, so stay tuned!