Natural Ways To Induce Labor

You know you've gone past your due date when everyone is constantly asking you 'is the baby here yet??' and there is talk about the looming possibility of induction from your health care providers. Although your due date is really just an estimate and baby will come when he or she is ready, it can be still really stressful if you are birthing at a hospital or birth center with strict guidelines around induction.

I was able to avoid induction with both of my sons who where both born very close to 42 weeks so I know what's it's like to be quickly searching for tips and ideas on how to get labor moving naturally in order to avoid the more intense artificial hormones that are used in medical labor induction.

So here are my top tips on how to induce labor naturally! Before you get started please make sure you get the green light from your midwife.

#1 Acupuncture - Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to induce women who are post dates in their pregnancy. Research shows that acupuncture has a success rate of 88% and often works within 6-48 hours after treatment. 

#2 Evening Primrose Oil - Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) is another ‘cervix ripening’ method. EPO helps by imitating prostaglandin and can be used orally and/or internally. A usual oral dosage is 2-3 of 500mg capsules daily from 36 weeks. If you are taking EPO internally, you can do this from 36 weeks – simply insert 2-3 capsules directly to the cervix before bed. You might like to wear a pad or liner as it can get messy when you get up. 

#3 Sex - The prostagladins found in semen can help to ripen the cervix and induce labor. As the saying goes 'what got baby in get's baby out!'. 

#4 Homeopathics - Caulophyllum and Cimufuga Homeopathics can help to stimulate contractions and get labor moving. I took both of these as I edged closer to my induction date with both pregnancies and went into labor the same night with my first son, and the next day with my second son. Be sure to source and take these homeopathics under the guidance of a trained homeopath or naturopath like myself as there is a specific protocol to follow!

#5 Walking - Walking can help position your babies head on the cervix and the pressure will help to release oxytocin which can then stimulate labor. With my first son I went for a big 2hr walk around the local river and then went into labor that night!

#6 Dates - Dates have been shown to help ripen the cervix and stimulate labor especially when consumed daily in the last month of pregnancy. According to a study, consumption of date fruit in the four weeks prior to labour significantly reduced the need for induction and augmentation of labour. The study involved 69 women consuming six date fruits per day for four weeks prior to their estimated due date, compared to 45 women who consumed no date fruit. They found the women who consumed date fruit had a significantly higher average cervical dilatation upon admission compared with the non-date fruit consumers. Spontaneous labour occurred in 96% of those who consumed dates, compared with 79% women in the non-date fruit consumers. Use of pitocin (for inducing/augmenting labour) was significantly lower in women who consumed dates (28%), compared with the non-date fruit consumers. The average latent phase of the first stage of labour was shorter in women who consumed date fruit compared with the non-date fruit consumers. 

#7 Raspberry Leaf - Raspberry Leaf is a uterine tonic which when taken in the months leading up to birth can help to strengthen and tone the uterus in preparation for labor.  Researchers have found there althought though was no difference in the duration of the first stage of labor, the second stage of labour (pushing) was shorter amongst the raspberry leaf group, as well as significantly reduced use of forceps. 

#8 Clary Sage - This essential oil can help to simulate contractions and induce labor naturally. You can add a few drops to your bath or dilute into a plant based oil such as coconut, olive or almond and use a massage oil to help bring on labor.

#9 Induction Massage - The massage therapists (who should be experienced in induction massage) work on acupressure points which are normally avoided during pregnancy, in the hope it can help to trigger labour. As with normal massage, induction massage helps to relax and calm your body, easing tension and helping to create a clear and grounded space. The therapists also may use essential oils which can assist with labour induction. It’s generally a very successful form of labour induction if the mind, body and baby is ready and willing. Perhaps this is because it forces pregnant women to stop, relax and slow down. 

So there you have it, my top tips for natural labor induction. I've tried most of these but Id have to say the ones that seemed to work best for me where long walks coupled with homeopathic Caulophyllum and Evening Primrose Oil.

My suggestion would be to test a few at a time and if they don't work within 24-48hrs try something else.

Good luck!